Hi! Be sure to let me know if you try any of the Paper Heart Camera tutorials. I'd love to include a link to your blog post from the tutorial post. :D Email me: thepapermama@gmail.com
{HTML: Widen Your Blog in Blogger} |
{The Party Bouncer} |
{Free Actions and Basic Photo Editing} |
{Converting to Black and White} |
{Knowing Your Camera} |
{Go Manual or Go Home} |
{Freelensing} |
{Experimenting with P&S Flash} |
{How to Make a Blog Button Grab Box} |
{OH, let the sun flare in} |
{What Texture Can Do For You} |
{Rendering the Light} |
{Make your own watermark brush in PS} |
{Anthropomorphism: giving life to fruit} |
{Adding a Rainbow} |
{Resizing Photos in PSE} |
{Flying Pretzel} |
{Making a Photolog Header} |
{Putting Wings On} |
{How to Night Shoot} |
{Batch Editing in Photoshop} |
{Blending Images} |
{Clone Tool, Bokeh, and Photo Filters} |
{Creating the "Fairy Garden" Effect} |
{Tree Bark Carving} |
Label: Tutorial