Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Tutorial: How to do Screen Recording

If you are a common visitor to my blog, you know that I LOVE to show my editing in video tutorials. To me it is easier than writing out all my actions/steps. When I sit down to edit, I simply click RECORD. For this tutorial I want to show you HOW I do it, what programs I use, and how I edit that recorded screen video and shrink it down to a fast, loadable size. Ironically, I will show you through a video  :-)

And please ignore the beginning slide that says "Tutorial for Shoot and Edit". That was a mistake..... Hee hee.

Links to the things mentioned in this video tutorial:
at Captivus Living.


    1. This was good - I'm off to check out this free software through camstudio. We'll see how it works out!

    2. Oh this is amazing! I really wanted to learn how to do this. Thank you so much for sharing. :)

      The Sweetest Life


    ❤ Something lovely to say?