Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Touch Up Tuesday: Dark photo



My edit: Ruari was having a rough day the day I took this photo. I wanted to get a photo of her playing with the ukulele... but, she wasn't having it. So... I was stuck to take the photo in the dim room with her in my lap. Everything was very dark and noisy... I adjusted the brightness and contrast. Ran my noise action a couple of times. And, that's it! OH... I did run a Pamela Topping action in the end. 

Photography love...
Link up your Touch Ups below! Linky's always close at 11:59 PM Wednesday evenings (Pacific time).


  1. awesome job! I love her cute little feet!

  2. I don't how it just linked up mien twice. I must of double clicked it our something. So sorry! Feel free to delete it.

  3. Those little toes are adorable :-)

  4. Really like that - I need to spend some time looking at those actions!

  5. I am still trying to fine tune my new computer...It is giving me trouble with copying and pasting the codes for buttons! I keep trying to link the button on my post! REALLY I DO!!!


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